In Italian, the preposition a means to. When it is followed by a place name that begins in A, the preposition takes the form ad to enable smoother pronunciation. Examples:
The somewhat confusing thing about this for language learners is that ad kind of looks like an articularted preposition, of which there are many - al, alla, agli, allo, alle, etc. - but it isn't.
bilby commented on the word ad Assisi
In Italian, the preposition a means to. When it is followed by a place name that begins in A, the preposition takes the form ad to enable smoother pronunciation. Examples:
Vado a Roma - I go to Rome.
Vado ad Assisi - I go to Assisi.
October 23, 2018
bilby commented on the word ad Assisi
The somewhat confusing thing about this for language learners is that ad kind of looks like an articularted preposition, of which there are many - al, alla, agli, allo, alle, etc. - but it isn't.
October 23, 2018